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California State University General Education Breadth Certificate of Achievement


The California State University General Education-Breadth (CSU GE) pattern is one option that allows California community college transfer students to fulfill the lower-division general education requirements of any California State University (CSU) campus. The curriculum consists of a 39-unit pattern with five areas of concentration described in the CSU GE pattern.

For additional information, consult a counselor.


Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion, the student will:

  • demonstrate an ability to think logically and critically in solving problems; explain conclusions; and evaluating, supporting, or critiquing the thinking of others through effective oral and written communication skills.
  • develop knowledge of scientific theories, concepts, and data about both living and non-living systems; achieve an understanding and appreciation of scientific principles and the scientific method, as well as the potential limits of scientific endeavors and the value systems and ethics associated with human inquiry.
  • demonstrate the abilities to reason quantitatively, practice computational skills, and explain and apply mathematical or quantitative reasoning concepts to solve problems.
  • cultivate intellect, imagination, sensibility and sensitivity; respond subjectively as well as objectively to aesthetic experiences and will develop an understanding of the integrity of both emotional and intellectual responses; and refine their affective, cognitive, and physical capacities through studying works of the human imagination.
  • develop a better understanding of the interrelationship between the self and the creative arts and of the humanities in a variety of cultures.
  • develop an understanding of problems and issues from the respective disciplinary perspectives and will examine issues in their contemporary as well as historical settings and in a variety of cultural contexts; and explore the principles, methodologies, value systems and ethics employed in social scientific inquiry.
  • develop a lifelong understanding of themselves as an integrated physiological, social, and psychological being.