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Engineering: Associate in Science

Required Courses

Select one of the following engineering Tracks:

Track One: Mechanical, Aeronautical, Civil, Manufacturing Engineering or Engineering Science

ENGR 1510Engineering Graphics and Introduction to Design with Lab

3.00 Credits(s)

ENGR 1550Computer Programming and Problem Solving with Lab

3.00 Credits(s)

ENGR 2200Statics

3.00 Credits(s)

ENGR 2300Materials Science and Engineering with Lab

4.00 Credits(s)

CHEM 2211General Chemistry

5.00 Credits(s)

Track One Engineering Units  18
Engineering Core Units 35
General Education 28
Total Units 81

Track Two: Electrical Engineering

CHEM 2211General Chemistry

5.00 Credits(s)

ENGR 1540Introduction to Programming Concepts and Methodologies for Engineers with Lab

4.00 Credits(s)

Track Two Engineering Units 9
Engineering Core Units  35
General Education 28
Total Units 72

Track Three: Computer Engineering

ENGR 1540Introduction to Programming Concepts and Methodologies for Engineers with Lab

4.00 Credits(s)

Track Three Engineering Units 4
Engineering Core Units 35
General Education 28
Total Units 67

Engineering Core Units

MATH 2100Analytic Geometry and Calculus I

5.00 Credits(s)

MATH 2120Analytic Geometry and Calculus II

4.00 Credits(s)

MATH 2130Analytic Geometry and Calculus III

4.00 Credits(s)

MATH 2140Ordinary Differential Equations

4.00 Credits(s)

PHYS 2221General Physics (Calculus)

3.00 Credits(s)

PHYS 2222General Physics II (Calculus)

4.00 Credits(s)

PHYS 2223General Physics III (Calculus)

4.00 Credits(s)

ENGR 1500Introduction to Engineering

2.00 Credits(s)

ENGR 2000Circuit Analysis with Lab

4.00 Credits(s)

Total Credit Hours:35

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Transfer Information

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