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Liberal Arts Area of Emphasis: Math and Science: Associate in Arts


The mathematics courses encourage the understanding of basic mathematical concepts, quantitative reasoning and their applications. The natural science courses emphasize experimental methodology, testing hypotheses, and the power of systematic questioning. Students will develop a comprehension of the basic concepts of physical and biological sciences, and a sophisticated understanding of science as a human endeavor, including the limitations as well as the power of scientific inquiry.


Program Learning Outcomes

Students will demonstrate confidence in their math skills and be able to reason both abstractly and quantitatively.


Select any 18 units from the following requirements: A minimum of one course per section is required

Section One

MATH 1500Math for a Modern Society - A Liberal Arts Course

4.00 Credits(s)

MATH 1505Mathematical Concepts for Elementary Teachers - Number Systems

4.00 Credits(s)

MATH 1510College Algebra for Liberal Arts

4.00 Credits(s)

MATH 1520Finite Mathematics

3.00 Credits(s)

MATH 1530Plane Trigonometry

4.00 Credits(s)

MATH 1540Precalculus Mathematics

4.00 Credits(s)

MATH 2100Analytic Geometry and Calculus I

5.00 Credits(s)

MATH 2120Analytic Geometry and Calculus II

4.00 Credits(s)

MATH 2130Analytic Geometry and Calculus III

4.00 Credits(s)

MATH 2140Ordinary Differential Equations

4.00 Credits(s)

STAT 1510Elementary Statistics

5.00 Credits(s)

Section Two

ASTR 1511Introduction to Astronomy with Lab

4.00 Credits(s)

BIOL 1500Fundamentals of Biology

3.00 Credits(s)


BIOL 1510Fundamentals of Biology with Lab

4.00 Credits(s)

BIOL 1513Introduction to Environmental Studies with Lab

4.00 Credits(s)

BIOL 2201Introductory Biology - Cells

4.00 Credits(s)

BIOL 2202General Zoology

5.00 Credits(s)

BIOL 2203General Botany

4.00 Credits(s)

BIOL 2250Human Anatomy

5.00 Credits(s)

BIOL 2257Human Physiology with Lab

5.00 Credits(s)

BIOL 2260General Microbiology

5.00 Credits(s)

BIOL 2265Human Pathophysiology

3.00 Credits(s)

BIOL 2370Nutrition Science

3.00 Credits(s)

CHEM 1510Introductory College Chemistry

4.00 Credits(s)

CHEM 1520Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry

4.00 Credits(s)

CHEM 2211General Chemistry

5.00 Credits(s)

CHEM 2212General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis

5.00 Credits(s)

ESCI 1520Introduction to Earth Science Lecture and Laboratory

4.00 Credits(s)

GEOG 1510Physical Geography

3.00 Credits(s)

GEOL 1500Introduction to Geology

4.00 Credits(s)

GEOL 1501Historical Geology

4.00 Credits(s)

PSCI 1520Introduction to Physical Science Lecture and Laboratory

4.00 Credits(s)

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This degree does not prepare a student to transfer to a four-year college or university. However, certain courses may be transferrable to other colleges and universities. If you are interested in transferring to a four-year college or university to pursue a bachelor’s degree in this major, it is critical that you meet with a TC counselor to select and plan the courses for your major. Schools vary widely in terms of the required preparation. The courses that TC requires for an associate degree in this major may be different from the requirements needed for the bachelor’s degree.