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Transfer Planning Guide

What is Transfer?

Transfer is the process of continuing your education at a four-year college or university, usually after completing your first two years (freshman and sophomore levels) at a community college. If planned correctly, the courses that you complete in community college will count towards requirements in your bachelor's degree, just as if they had been taken at the four-year institution. Students enrolled in a transfer program will complete their GE and lower division major requirements before transferring. 

Taft College students transfer to a wide variety of universities in California and throughout the United States.

Transfer Services

Transfer counseling is designed to help you during each step of your transfer experience to ensure a smooth and positive transition. A variety of resources are available, including:
  • Academic Counseling
  • Guidance in researching and selecting a transfer institution
  • Individual appointments with representatives from the UC, CSU, and independent colleges and universities
  • Transfer workshops including application and Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)
  • Transfer Admission Agreements with UC, CSU and some private colleges
  • A library of catalogs and college publications
  • Information on important dates and deadlines
  • College research
  • Transfer Fairs
  • Up-to-Date Transfer website

The Transfer counselor is located in the Student Services and Administration Building. To make an appointment, call 661-763-7748.

The Transfer counselor will help you understand:

  1. Educational Options
    Transfer is one of several different educational options available at Taft College. The college also offers programs and courses designed to prepare students for a new career field or to upgrade work skills related to a current occupation.
  2. Transferability of Coursework
    Many courses offered at Taft College will transfer to meet lower-division (freshman and sophomore) requirements of a four-year university. These courses can include transfer general education as well as preparation-for-the major courses. Transfer coursework is the first step to completing the bachelor’s and higher degrees.
  3. Choosing a College Major
    A major is a field of study that students emphasize in their college education. It is what students “specialize” in with their degrees. It’s important to remember that a major is what students will study at the university they transfer to. At Taft College, students can prepare to transfer into virtually any major at any university, where there are literally thousands to choose from.
To narrow down the options, students often begin to select their major by one of the following techniques:
  • If students have an idea of a career field they want to enter, you can find majors that are related to, or prepare for, that career field. Majors and career fields are not always “perfectly matched.” However, knowing an intended career field can help narrow options.
  • If students know what university they want to attend, they can select from the list of majors at that university. To view a list of majors at at the CSU or UC systems, go to the Assist website.
  • If a student thinks they might be interested in a particular major but are not sure, try taking a general education class in the major. Students often select their major based simply on the courses that are the most interesting to them.
  • For a description of the most popular majors in California, click here.
Current and prospective community college students are encouraged to meet with a counselor to review their options for transfer and to develop an educational plan that best meets their goals and needs.