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Taft College - CSU General Education Breadth Certification

Breadth Pattern for the California State University System

A ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMMUNICATION AND CRITICAL THINKING (9 semester or 12-15 quarter units required with at least one course each from A1, A2, and A3)
Units Grade √ if CERTIFIED

A1-Oral Communication: COMM 1507, COMM 1511
A2-Written Communication: ENGL 1500, ENGL 1501
A3-Critical Thinking: ENGL 1600*; PHIL 1520
Courses from other colleges: _______________________________
 AP Exam: __________________________






________ Area A
B SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY AND QUANTITATIVE REASONING (9 semester or 12-15 quarter units required with at least one course each from Physical Science, Life Science [at least one to contain a lab component] and Mathematics/Quantitative reasoning) Course in BOLD contain lab components.

B1-Physical Science: ASTR 1511; BIOL 1513; CHEM 1510, CHEM 1520, CHEM 2211; ESCI 1520; GEOG 1510; GEOL 1500, GEOL 1501; PHYS 2221; PSCI 1520
B2-Life Science: BIOL 1500, BIOL 1510, BIOL 2201, BIOL 2202, BIOL 2203, BIOL 2250, BIOL 2257, BIOL 2258, BIOL 2259, BIOL 2260; CHEM 1520; PSYC 2050
B3-Laboratory Activity: ASTR 1511; BIOL 1510, BIOL 1513, BIOL 2201, BIOL 2202, BIOL 2203, BIOL 2250, BIOL 2257, BIOL 2258, BIOL 2259, BIOL 2260; CHEM 1510, CHEM 1520, CHEM 2211; ESCI 1520; GEOL 1500, GEOL 1501; PHYS 2221; PSCI 1520
B4-Mathematical/Quantitative Reasoning: MATH 1500, MATH 1505, MATH 1510, MATH 1520, MATH 1530, MATH 1540, MATH 2100, MATH 2120, MATH 2125; PSYC 2200; STAT 1510
Courses from other colleges: _______________________________
AP Exam: __________________________









________ Area B
C ARTS AND HUMANITIES (9 semester or 12-15 quarter units required with at least one course each in Arts and Humanities)

C1-Arts: ARTH 1500, ARTH 1510, ARTH 1520, ARTH 2030, ARTH 2040; DRAM 1510, DRAM 1535; HUM 2010*; MUSC 1510
C2-Humanities: ENGL 1600*, ENGL 1650, ENGL 2100, ENGL 2150, ENGL 2600, ENGL 2650, ENGL 2700, ENGL 2750; HIST 2202*, HIST 2204*, HIST 2210*, HIST 2212*, HIST 2216*, HIST 2231*, HIST 2232*, HIST 2270*; HUM 1500, HUM 2010*; PHIL 1501, PHIL 1531; SPAN 1601, SPAN 1602, SPAN 2001, SPAN 2002, SPAN 2500
Courses from other colleges: _______________________________
AP Exam: __________________________


C1 or 2_______________




________ Area C
D SOCIAL SCIENCES (6 semester or 9-12 quarter units required)

ADMJ 1501, ADMJ 1502; ECEF 1531*; ECON 2120, ECON 2210; HIST 2202*, HIST 2204*, HIST 2210*, HIST 2212*, HIST 2216*, HIST 2230, HIST 2231*, HIST 2232*, HIST 2270*; POSC 1501*; PSYC 1500*, PSYC 2003, PSYC 2030*, PSYC 2033*, PSYC 2080*; RECR 1510*; SOC 1510, SOC 2038, SOC 2110, SOC 2120, SOC 2141
Courses from other colleges: _______________________________
AP Exam: _______________________






________ Area D
E LIFELONG LEARNING & SELF-DEVELOPMENT (3 semester or 4-5 quarter units)

ECEF 1531*; HLED 1510; PSYC 1500*, PSYC 2030*, PSYC 2033*, PSYC 2080*; RECR 1510*; SOC 2141*; STSU 1500 
Courses from other colleges: _______________________________
AP Exam: ________________________



________ Area E
ETHNIC STUDIES (3 semester or 4-5 quarter units)
  ETHN 1510 
Courses from other colleges: _______________________________
 F____________________ ____
____  ________ Area F

U.S. HISTORY, CONSTITUTION AND AMERICAN IDEALS (This is not a General Education Breadth Pattern requirement; however, these courses should be completed prior to transferring to any CSU campus)

Complete two (2) courses, one from group 1 and one from group 2 Group 1: HIST 2231, HIST 2232 Group 2: POSC 1501 ______________________
________ Complete
*Courses listed in multiple areas may only be certified in one area with the exception of courses listed in the U.S. History, Constitution area. TOTAL UNITS CERTIFIED ____ ____ ________ Certified

CSU Graduation Requirements

The CSU graduation requirements listed below are NOT part of the CSU GE-Breadth Requirements, but may be completed prior to transfer.

AMERICAN HISTORY AND INSTITUTIONS – 6 semester units or 9-12 quarter units, with one course selected from each group (American History and Institutions courses may also be credited toward satisfying GE requirements from Areas C and D):

US-1: Historical development of American institutions and ideals— HIST 2231 (formerly History 17A); HIST 2232, (formerly History 17A); score of 3 or higher on Advanced Placement US History

US-2: U.S. Constitution and government—POSC 1501; score of 3 or higher on Advanced Placement US Government and Politics

(NOTE: Advanced Placement Government and Politics only meets US-2 requirement, not US-3 requirement. If using AP credit to meet US-2, students will still need to complete an additional class in California State Government after transfer)

US-3: California state and local government—POSC 1501

Advanced Placement (AP) Examination in CSU General Education–Breadth Certification

The Advanced Placement examinations listed in Figure 2-4 at the end of this chapter may be incorporated into the certification of completion of CSU General Education-Breadth requirements by any participating institution. Students must have scored 3, 4 or 5 on an Advanced Placement examination listed below to receive the credit indicated. All CSU campuses will accept the minimum units shown below and apply them toward fulfillment of the designated General Education-Breadth area, if the examination is included as part of a full or subject-area certification, and units toward admission.

Please note: Individual CSU campuses may choose to accept more units than those specified in the “Advanced Placement Examination in CSU GE” chart (See Academic Policies and Procedures section) toward completion of General Education-Breadth or admission requirements. The CSU campus to which the student is transferring determines the total number of units to be awarded for successful completion of Advanced Placement examination(s) and how the exam scores may apply to other graduation requirements.

See the chart in the Academic Policies and Procedures section for details on the AP credit CSU allows.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Examination in CSU General Education–Breadth Certification

Some IB exams may be used on the CSU GE-Breadth pattern. Please see a counselor for a list of the International Baccalaureate (IB) exams that may be used on the CSU GE-Breadth pattern.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) in CSU General Education–Breadth Certification

Some CLEP exams may be used on the CSU GE-Breadth pattern. See the chart in the Academic Policies and Procedures section for a list of the College Level Examination Program exams that may be used on the CSU GE-Breadth pattern.