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Taft College IGETC

Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum

A minimum “C” grade is required in each college course for IGETC. A “C” is defined as a minimum 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.
AREA 1: ENGLISH COMMUNICATION (CSU – 3 courses, one each from group A, B, and C) (UC – 2 courses, one each from group A and B)
1A – English Composition: ENGL 1500, ENGL 1501
1B – Critical Thinking – English Composition: ENGL 1600* (AP Credit not accepted)
1C – Oral Communication (CSU requirement only): COMM 1507, COMM 1511 (AP Credit not accepted)  
AP Credit or Courses from other colleges: ______________________________________________

1B __________________

1C __________________




AREA 2: MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS & QUANTITATIVE REASONING (1 course, 3 semester, 4-5 quarter units)
MATH 1500, MATH 1510, MATH 1520, MATH 1540, MATH 2100, MATH 2120, MATH 2125; PSYC 2200; STAT 1510
AP Credit or Courses from other colleges: ______________________________________________
2A__________________ ______ _______
AREA 3: ARTS & HUMANITIES (At least 3 courses, with at least one from the Arts and one from the Humanities. 9 semester, 12-15 quarter units)
3A-Arts: ARTH 1500, ARTH 1510, ARTH 1520, ARTH 2030, ARTH 2040; DRAM 1510; MUSC 1510
3B-Humanities: ENGL 1650, ENGL 2100, ENGL 2150, ENGL 2600, ENGL 2650, ENGL 2700, ENGL 2750; HIST 2210*, HIST 2212*, HIST 2216*, HIST 2231*, HIST 2232*, HIST 2270*; HUM 2010; PHIL 1501, PHIL 1531; SPAN 1602*, SPAN 2001*, SPAN 2002*  
AP Credit or Courses from other colleges: ______________________________________________


3A or 3b_____________




AREA 4: SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (At least 2 courses from at least 2 disciplines. 6 semester, 8 quarter units)
4B-ECON 2120, ECON 2210
4D-SOC 2038
4F-HIST 2202, HIST 2204, HIST 2210*, HIST 2212*, HIST 2216*, HIST 2230, HIST 2231*, HIST 2232*, HIST 2270
4G-ECEF 1531
4H-POSC 1501
4I-PSYC 1500, PSYC 2003, PSYC 2030, PSYC 2080; SOC 2038
4J- ADMJ 1501; SOC 1510, SOC 2110, SOC 2120
AP Credit or Courses from other colleges: ______________________________________________






AREA 5: PHYSICAL & BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (At least 2 courses, one physical and one biological science course; at least one must include a laboratory. Courses in BOLD contain a laboratory component. 7-9 semester units, 9-12 quarter units)
5A-PHYSICAL SCIENCES: ASTR 1511; BIOL 1513; CHEM 1510, CHEM 1520, CHEM 2211; ESCI 1520; GEOG 1510; GEOL 1500, GEOL 1501; PHYS 2221; PSCI 1520
5B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES: BIOL 1500, BIOL 1510, BIOL 2201, BIOL 2202, BIOL 2203, BIOL 2250, BIOL 2257, BIOL 2258, BIOL 2259, BIOL 2260; PSYC 2050
5C-LABORATORY: ASTR 1511BIOL 1510, BIOL 1513, BIOL 2201, BIOL 2202, BIOL 2203, BIOL 2250, BIOL 2257, BIOL 2258, BIOL 2259, BIOL 2260; CHEM 1510, CHEM 1520, CHEM 2211; ESCI 1520; GEOL 1500, GEOL 1501; PSCI 1520
AP Credit or Courses from other colleges: ______________________________________________






AREA 6: LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH (UC requirement only) (Proficiency equivalent to two years of high school study in the same language. This requirement is satisfied by completing one of the following options)
[ ] Completed 2 years of the same foreign language of high school work with a grade of “C” or better. (A copy of the High School transcripts must be attached or on file to verify completion) Courses: _____________________________________
[ ] Earn a score of 3 or higher on the Foreign Language Advanced Placement (AP) test. Date taken: _______________ Score: ________
[ ] Achieved a score of 550 or higher on the College Board Achievement Test in Foreign Language. Date taken: _______________ Score: ________
[ ] 6A Complete one of the following semester courses: SPAN 1601, SPAN 1602*, SPAN 2001*, SPAN 2002*  (OTHER ________________________) 6A___________________ ______ _______
AREA 7: ETHNIC STUDIES (1 course, 3 semester, 4-5 quarter units)

ETHN 1510
Course from other college: ______________________________________________________

7____________________ ______  ______
*Note: Courses listed in multiple areas shall not be certified in more than one area except for courses in Languages other than English, which can be certified in both areas 3B and 6A.
CSU REQUIREMENT IN U.S. HISTORY, CONSTITUTION & AMERICAN IDEALS (This is not an IGETC requirement; however, these courses should be completed prior to transferring to any CSU campus) Complete two (2) courses, one from group 1 and one from group 2.
Group 1: HIST 2231, HIST 2232
Group 2: POSC 1501

IGETC Checklist

A summary of requirements for IGETC certification is listed below.

  1. The institution is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges or an equivalent accrediting body.
  2. A course taken at a California Community College is applied to the subject area in which it is listed by the institution where the work was completed (check for college IGETC lists).
  3. Coursework from other US regionally accredited institutions may be used on IGETC. Coursework must be evaluated by a counselor.
  4. The grade received in course is C (2.0) or higher. A grade of C- (C minus) is not acceptable. A “Credit” or “Pass” that is defined by institutional policy as being equivalent to a grade of C (2.0) or higher may be applied to IGETC requirements.
  5. Foreign coursework from non-United States regionally accredited institutions cannot be used for IGETC.
  6. Each course is a minimum of 3 semester or 4 quarter units. (Exceptions may be made for English Composition or math. See a counselor for details.)
  7. All courses that meet IGETC requirements are completed by the end of the semester that the student is petitioning for certification.
  8. If two years of high school foreign language are used to satisfy the UC language other than English requirement (IGETC Area 6), official copies of high school transcripts must be on file. This requirement can also be met by providing official documentation showing satisfactory completion, with a grade of C or better, of two years of formal schooling at the sixth grade level or higher at an institution where the language of instruction is not English. Exam results used to meet this requirement must be on file at Taft College.
  9. All official transcripts from every college attended must be on file to process certification.

NOTE: Roosevelt and Revelle Colleges at UC San Diego, the School of Business at UC Berkeley, the College of Environmental Design (Architecture & Landscape Architecture majors) at UC Berkeley, and the College of Engineering at UC Riverside will not accept IGETC. In addition, some students may be better served by taking courses that fulfill the CSU General Education-Breadth Pattern, or that meet requirements for the specific general education pattern of the UC campus or college to which the students plan to transfer. Students pursuing majors that require extensive lower-division major preparation may not find the IGETC option advantageous. Engineering, Architecture, and Liberal Studies are examples of those majors.

Private and Out-of-State Schools That Accept IGETC

AICU; Alliant International University (formerly United States International University); American University of Paris, France; Arizona State University; Biola University; California College for the Arts; California Lutheran University; City University of London, England; Concordia University; Dominican College of San Rafael; Hawaii Pacific University; Holy Names College; John Cabot University, Rome, Italy; Menlo College; National University; Northern Arizona University; Notre Dame de Namur University (formerly College of Notre Dame); Oregon State University; Saint Mary’s College of California; Scripps College; Southern University – Baton Rouge (LA); University of La Verne; University of Northern Colorado; University of San Francisco; University of the Pacific; University of the West; Vanguard University; and Woodbury University.

A score of 5, 6, or 7 on Higher Level (HL) exams is required to grant credit for IGETC certification.

An acceptable IB score for IGETC equates to either 3 semester or 4 quarter units for certification purposes.

Students who have earned credit for an IB exam should not take a comparable college course because transfer credit will not be granted for both.

Applying International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit to IGETC

A score of 5, 6, or 7 on Higher Level (HL) exams is required to grant credit for IGETC certification.

An acceptable IB score for IGETC equates to 4 quarter (3 semester) units for certification purposes.

For transfer purposes, UC will grant 8 quarter (5.3 semester) units for each IB exam completed with a score of 5, 6, or 7 on HL exams.

CSU also grants unit credit for transfer purposes of IB HL exams. See a counselor for details.

Students who have earned credit for an IB exam should not take a comparable college course because transfer credit will NOT be granted for both.

See a counselor for a list of the IB exams that may be used on the IGETC pattern.

Applying Advanced Placement (AP) Credit to IGETC

  • AP credit for most exams—with a score of 3 or higher—may be applied to IGETC. Each exam satisfies one course.
  • An acceptable AP score in Biology, Chemistry, or Physics B equates to 4 semester or 5 quarter units for certification purposes. UC or CSU may award more units toward the minimum needed to transfer. For details, see a counselor or UC/CSU Outreach representative.
  • Students who use AP Environmental Science, Physics C: Mechanics, or Physics C: Electricity/Magnetism will receive 3 semester units toward Area 5A. Therefore, student will need to complete 5B and a total of 7 semester/9 quarter units to satisfy Area 5.
  • College courses, including TC courses, with similar content to an AP exam may yield transfer credit. Unit and subject credit is determined by each transfer institution. For details, see a counselor or UC/CSU Outreach representative.
  • Official transcripts/scores and Advanced Placement (AP) scores must be on file with TC’s Admissions Office.

See the chart in the Academic Policies and Procedures section for a list of the AP exams that may be used on the IGETC pattern.

UC Unit Limitations

  • A maximum of 4 Physical Education units are UC transferable.
  • Students who complete any part of their education between 9th and 12th grade at an institution where the language of instruction is other than English, will not receive UC unit credit for courses taken at TC or an AP exam in that same language.

Courses with UC Unit Limitations

  • Some courses offered at TC have transfer unit limitations, which are noted beneath the course descriptions listed in this catalog, as well as online (go to