Requirements for Degrees and Certificates
Degrees and Certificates are awarded to students who fulfill the requirements prescribed by the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges and the West Kern Community College District. There are several different types of degrees. There are Associate degrees in Arts and Associate degrees in Science. In each of these, there are transfer degrees and non-transfer degrees with the expectation that you will have employable skills upon completion. Taft College offers one Bachelor degree. Below is general information about the degrees and certificates. Taft College grants several different types of certificates. An explanation of those follows the degrees explanation.
Associate Degrees General Information Applies to All Associate Degrees
- Minimum 60 Units Required
60 units required for graduation, for all degrees, 12 degree applicable units must be completed in residence at Taft College (units taken at Taft College) and used toward the degree before a degree can be granted. Request for an exception to the residency requirement can be made to the Board of Trustees when an injustice or undue hardship would result. Only the Board of Trustees can grant an exception. Students should contact the counseling office for assistance with the exception.
- Minimum Units Taken in Residence
- A minimum of 12 degree applicable units must be completed in residence at the college granting the degree. The 12-unit in residence requirement is effective for all degrees awarded regardless of catalog year.
Minimum 18 Units in Major
- The coursework must include at least 27 semester units in general education, and at least 18 semester units in an area of emphasis or major. The rest of the 60 units for the associate degree are elective units.
- Minimum 27 units of General Education
- The general education requirements must include a minimum of work in natural sciences, social and behavioral sciences, humanities, English composition, oral communications and critical thinking, ethnic studies, and mathematical concepts and quantitative reasoning. Local general education is 27 units. Students who are seeking the Associate Degree for Transfer to the CSU in AA-T or AS-T must follow the California State University General Education-Breadth pattern (CSU GE Breadth) or the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) pattern. Students with long range goals should review the Transfer Requirement section of the catalog.
- Taft College has additional local requirements that include: Health Education and American Ideals. Note: This does not apply to students who are seeking the Associate Degree for Transfer to the CSU in AA-T or AS-T as they are exempt from this requirement. U.S. Veterans and active U.S. military personnel may meet the Health Education requirement via military service. See Veterans Counselor for additional information and advisement.
- Each course is worth varying numbers of units. Course descriptions are found at the end of the catalog under Courses of Instruction. There are three category of courses within a degree in the field of study: major courses or area of emphasis, general education, and the rest are electives. The degree must be completed with a minimum of an overall ‘C’ (2.0) grade point average (GPA) and a minimum grade of ‘C’ in all courses in the major (field of study) and general education areas of English and Mathematics. Double counting of coursework is permitted, meaning a course may be used to satisfy both a major requirement and a general education requirement, but not two general education areas.
Bachelor's Degree General Information
For a Bachelor's degree, a student must satisfactorily complete at least 120 semester units of college work. A minimum of “C” (2.0) grade point average (GPA) and a minimum of “C” in all courses in the major (field of study), and general education, 21 lower division requirements and 9 units of upper division coursework. Double counting of coursework is permitted. A course may be used to satisfy both a major requirement and a general education requirement, but not two general education areas.
Certificates General Information
For a certificate of achievement, a student must successfully complete a course of study that consists of 16 or more semester units (or 24 quarter units) of degree-applicable credit coursework. The Certificate of Achievement shall be designed to demonstrate that the student has completed coursework and developed capabilities relating to career or general education.
Shorter credit programs that lead to a certificate may be established by the District.
Content and assessment standards for certificates shall ensure that certificate programs are consistent with the mission of the District, meet a demonstrated need, are feasible, and adhere to guidelines on academic achievement.
Certificates for which California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office approval is not sought may be given any name or designation deemed appropriate except for certificate of achievement, certificate of completion, or certificate of competency.