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Grade Symbols

The instructor of the course shall determine the grade earned by each student in accordance with grading symbols authorized for use by the California Education Code. The determination of the student’s grade by the instructor is final and shall become a part of their permanent academic record.

Evaluative Grades

Symbols Definitions
A Excellent
B Good
C Satisfactory
D Passing, less than satisfactory
F Failing
FW Failing for non-attendance withdrawal

Non-Evaluative Grades

Symbols Definitions
AU Audit Audit Class
I Incomplete Work not completed in semester
IP In Progress Course is still in session
EW Excused Withdrawal
Not computed in GPA
MW Military Withdrawal Withdrawal by reason of military duty 
NG Non-Gradable A non-gradable course
NP No Pass Non satisfactory
P Pass Indicates satisfactory or better
RD Report Delayed Grade not reported
SP Satisfactory Progress  Completion of noncredit courses
UG Ungraded Not graded
W Withdrawal Withdrawal from class