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Ethnic Studies and Catalog Rights

Ethnic Studies and Catalog Rights Ethnic Studies is NOT required for:

• Students with continuous enrollment prior to Fall 2021.

• Students with transcripts indicating:

• Conferral of an Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT)

• Fully GE-certified for CSU GE Breadth or IGETC

• Regardless of continuous enrollment or catalog year

Ethnic Studies is expected:

• Fall 2023 with CSU GE Breadth Certification if they do not have continuous enrollment, (they have no catalog rights).

• Fall 2024 with IGETC Certification if they do not have continuous enrollment, (they have no catalog rights).

• Students from UC, in-state-private and/or out-of-state institutions have no claim to catalog rights and must complete ES requirement if they start at a CCC in Fall 2021 or later.

  Enrolled at CCC beginning Summer 2021  

Enrolled at CCC beginning Fall 2021

Enrolled at CCC beginning Spring 2022 
Dual enrolled high school student that graduated in May 2021  Has no CCC catalog rights because CSU defined dual enrollment as a first-time freshman. (April G. email on 10/25/21) Student must take ethnic studies.  Considered as a new student. Must take ethnic studies.   Considered as a new student. Must take ethnic studies.  
Promise/high school student Has no CCC catalog rights because CSU defined dual enrollment as a first-time freshman. (April G. email on 10/25/21) Student must take ethnic studies.   Considered as a new student. Must take ethnic studies.   Considered as a new student. Must take ethnic studies.  
Continuous CSU student1
Has CSU and CCC catalog rights, does not need to take ethnic studies.  Has CSU catalog rights, does not need to take ethnic studies.  Has CSU catalog rights, does not need to take ethnic studies. 
Non-continuous CSU student for more than two years2
Has CCC catalog rights, does not need to take ethnic studies.  Considered as a new student. Must take ethnic studies.  Considered as a new student. Must take ethnic studies. 
The student completed UC/out-of-state, and/or in-state- private schools  Has CCC catalog rights, does not need to take ethnic studies.  Considered as a new student. Must take ethnic studies.  Considered as a new student. Must take ethnic studies. 
A non-traditional student (i.e. did not attend college after high school, do not have a high school degree, took a gap in their education, and/or completed foreign coursework)  Has CCC catalog rights, does not need to take ethnic studies.  Considered as a new student. Must take ethnic studies.  Considered as a new student. Must take ethnic studies. 
Non-credit student   Has no CCC catalog rights. Must take ethnic studies.   Considered as a new student. Must take ethnic studies.  Considered as a new student. Must take ethnic studies. 

1See Title 4, Section 40401 on Page 2
