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W (Withdrawal)

Students can drop or withdraw from classes via their Cougar Tracks account.  Students will receive a W grade, if they drop a class after the last day to drop without a W. W grades are not considered punitive, though a student’s subsequent Financial Aid eligibility and Academic Progress Evaluation may be affected. Classes cannot be dropped after the deadline to receive a W; students who are still enrolled after the last day to drop must receive a letter grade (A-FW or P/NP). Please see current Add/Drop schedule for course specific deadline dates.

Students may be dropped from classes by the instructor if they do not attend the first or second class meeting or for excessive absences. However, students are ultimately responsible for withdrawing from the class and immediately verifying the completion of the process that they no longer plan to attend. Failure to do so can result in a failing grade being issued by the instructor and charges being issued for the class.

Per Title 5 of the California Education Code, students are restricted to receive a maximum of 3-W grades in the same course and will be restricted from registering for the course again. The student will need to meet with a Counselor for other possible options.