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Standards for Dismissal

Academic Dismissal – A student who is on continued academic probation is subject to dismissal if their earned institutional cumulative grade point average is less than 2.0 in all units attempted in each of three consecutive semesters. Semesters are considered consecutive on the basis of the student’s enrollment. For example, a fall semester followed by a fall semester will be considered consecutive if the student was not enrolled in the spring semester of that academic year. The first semester will be deemed completed when the student has attempted a total of 12 semester units (A, B, C, D, F, FW, or P).

Progress Dismissal – A student who is on continued progress probation is subject to dismissal if the percentage of Taft College units with entries of W, I, FW, NP reaches or exceeds 50 percent in at least three consecutive semesters. For purposes of progress probation, the first semester will be deemed completed when the student has enrolled in a total of 12 semester units (A, B, C, D, F, FW, P, W, I, or NP).