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CTRP 1141 60 WPM Machine Shorthand Speed Building: 2-Voice

This course presents more complex speed-building writing strategies to prepare for higher speed-based competency goals. Promotes the development of speed and accuracy in taking dictation on a stenotype machine. It reviews basic theory and will introduce the student in developing sufficient skills to write 2-Voice material on a stenotype machine at 60 words per minute (wpm) for a minimum of five minutes with a goal of 97.5% accuracy. Includes English usage, punctuation, spelling/word usage, and proper transcription and document formatting. This course meets the requirements of the California Court Reporting Board. This course is offered at the WESTEC facility. Please see additional information here:


5.00 Credits(s)


Prerequisite: Court Reporting 1010


Allied Health/Applied Tech


Advisory: Eligibility for English 1000 and Reading 1005 strongly recommended; 256 lab hours