TUTR 0260 Supervised Tutoring
Supervised tutoring supports academic success in coursework where additional assistance is needed. To attend the course, a referral from an instructor or counselor is required. Course content is specific to each student and focuses on improving the individual?s skills and ability to use reading, writing, and mathematic knowledge in problem solving. The use of homework or assignments from courses is not allowed in this course. Examples of problems similar to assigned homework are used during tutoring sessions so students may demonstrate their skills to instructors through the independent completion of assignments. Registration for this course is restricted to referred students only. This is a non-credit, positive attendance hour course. This course is offered on an open-entry, open-exit basis, meaning students can be referred at any time during the semester and can stop attending once they improve in the requested tutoring area. This course is repeatable.
Prerequisite: None; unlimited hours
Learning Support