Complaint and Grievance Process
(661) 763-7854
Student rights and responsibilities are outlined in the Student Handbook. Students who are dissatisfied are first encouraged to attempt to resolve the issue(s) by taking preliminary action and conferring with the person against who the student has the alleged complaint/grievance. If that proves impossible or unsatisfactory, the student can confer with the Vice President of Student Services, or designee. Students must complete a student complaint/grievance to initiate the process. The Vice President of Student Services or designee reviews all complaint/grievance forms, and depending on the nature of the complaint, determines if the complaint is grievable. The Vice President of Student Services or designee, following established timelines, will either determine the disposition of the alleged complaint/grievance or refer it to the appropriate committee for review. Students have the right to further pursue their complaint via the California Community College Chancellor’s Office, and information on the state administered complaint process is available to students on the Taft College website.